Focus and Scope

Jurnal Pengembangan Potensi Laboratorium is a publication media for Educational laboratory administrators (PLP) published by Politeknik Negeri Jemberc. This journal accepts scientific articles in the form of research results, surveys, evaluations, and scientific studies in the field of Laboratory Management in accordance with the functions of Educational Laboratories.

The scope of publication includes:
1. Modifying / creating work methods (validation).
2. Improving the ability of instruments/tools in testing.
3. Development of standard artifacts / reference materials (CRM, IRM, PUP according to ISO 17043).
4. Utilization of local materials as alternatives in modifying methods so that they are more efficient, effective and environmentally friendly.
5. Development of OHS methods with waste management (reduce, recycle, reuse).
6. Technology design / making equipment / materials.