Formulasi Ransum Alternatif Untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Usaha Peternakan Sapi Perah (Studi Kasus pada Peternakan Bestcow Farm Jember)
Business Efficiency, Alternative Ration, Dairy FarmAbstract
This study aimed to examine the formulation of the cheapest alternative dairy rations and analyze the income and cost-efficiency of Bestcow Farm Jember. This research was conducted at Bestcow Farm Jember. The research location was chosen using purposive sampling with the consideration that Bestcow Farm has a fairly large population of dairy cattle, 50 heads. The research parameters taken were alternative ration formulations, income analysis, and cost-efficiency. This research used a descriptive method based on the results of data collection obtained from direct interviews with company employees and Bestcow Farm recording. The alternative ration formulation 2 was an alternative formulation ration with the cheapest price. This alternative ration formulation was feasible to be applied to Bestcow Farm Jember to get higher income.