About JoFIT
Author Guidelines
The editor receives the manuscripts for publication in the form of research result. The submitted manuscript must be original, unpublished, and not being proposed for publication in any media. The author should check the similarity of the manuscript before submission to the JoFIT. The similarity tolerance for JoFIT journals is 20%.
The first author is responsible for the content of the manuscript and correspondence regarding the manuscript. Format writing consists of title, full author name without abbreviation, email institutions, abstract in English and Indonesian, introduction, material and methods, result and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgment, and references.
- The manuscript is typed using document with A4 paper size, , 12 font size, 1 spacing, the first line indentation of each paragraph is 0.5 cm, single column with mirror margin, top and bottom margins of 2,54 cm, inside 2,54 cm and outside 2,54 cm.
- Maximum number is 12 pages including tables and images.
- The titles of each chapter use bold capital letters only at the first word, subheadings using italic and bold capital, Times New Roman, 14pt, bold, maks 20 kata.
- Graphical images are included in the manuscript and also attached in a separate file (supplementary file) with Microsoft Excel program (2010 or later).
- Photo images is inserted in the manuscript.
- The images are numbered. The image title is written briefly and clearly and placed under the image.
- The table is numbered. The table title is written briefly and clearly and placed on top of the table.
- Tables created with Microsoft Word programs use only horizontal lines and are not allowed to use vertical lines.
- Citation is written with the author last name (for one author), first and second author last names (for two authors using "&", Sartika dan Yuliana., 2019)), and first author last name followed by et al. (for more than two authors, Couillet et al., 2010), followed by the year of publishing the manuscript.
- If one sentence consist more than one source, the citation should be sorted alphabetically (example: Dawson et al., 2009; Kersey et al., 2019; Tornas et al., 2016).
- The full manuscript is submitted online tom https://publikasi.polije.ac.id/index.php/jofit/user/register and email jofit@polije.ac.id
- The cover letter and checklist also submitted to the web journal as supplementary files.
- The title is written briefly and clearly in Indonesian, written in capital letters only on the first word of the sentence (Sentence case format).
- The English title translation is written in parentheses ([...]). Only on the first word of the sentence written in capital letters (Sentence case format).
- The Latin word is written in italics.
Authors name must be complete but without any title, accompanied by author and affiliation address. The first author's institution, the second, and so on, is written completely under the author's name. Corresponding author must provide and use an e-mail address unique to themselves and not one that is shared with another author registered or department. The list and order of author names cannot be changed and added in the article after submission.
- Abstracts of research results are written in one paragraph using English and Indonesian, maximum of 250 words.
- Abstracts in Indonesian and English each equipped with keywords in Indonesian and English, maximum of 5 words and sorted alphabetically.
- The abstract highlights of brief introduction, objectives, methods, and results of research followed by quantitative data of prominent research results and conclusion related to the objectives so the readers can immediately find out the findings of the research results.
The introduction should contain the background of study, state of the art, gap analysis, and research objectives. The introduction should include a brief review of pertinent work citing key references (last 10 years publication).
- The materials and methods contain the main ingredients and tools, as well as descriptions of research methods including experimental designs and data analysis.
- Materials and instruments used must be clear its specification and source.
- The method used should be written clearly and in detail, as well as reproducible, and when quoted from other sources comes with the citation.
- Specific experimental method should be sufficiently detailed so the work can be repeated.
- The method should be described with references.
- The results are presented in the form of narration, tables, graphs, or drawings
- Present and discuss results concisely, compared to previous research.
- Discussion of the results of the research should be supported by 80% of the primary dan related literatures (journal or patent) and those literatures must be in the last 10 years publication.
- It is recommended to cite the reference from the Journal of Food Industrial (JoFIT)
Conclusions are wrote from the results and discussions, referred to the research objectives
Acknowledgments contain the names of agencies or individuals who assist with the conduct of research.
- Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their references.
- The maximum number of the references are 40.
- Writing the bibliography follows the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th Edition style.
- It is suggested to use reference management sofrware, such as Mendeley, Zotero, Medline, Endnote, or others.
- The references list is arranged in alphabetical order of the first author's name.
- Writing references using English if the source is in English and using the Indonesian language if the source is in Indonesian language.
- Example of writing references:
Sambrook, J., Fritsch, E.F. dan Maniatis, T. (1989). Molecular Cloning: a Laboratory Manual, 2nd edn. Cold Spring Harbor, New York.
Fricker, C.R. (1995). Detection of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in water. Dalam: Betss, W.B., Casemore, D., Fricker, C.R., Smith, H.V. dan Watkins, J. (ed.). Protozoan Parasites in Water, hal 91-96. The Royal Soceity of Chemistry, London.
Pansegrau, W., Lanka, E., Barth, P.T., Figurski, D.H., Guiney, D.G., Haas, D., Helinski, D.R., Schwab, H., Stanisisch, V.A. dan Thomas, C.M. (1994). Complete nucleotide sequence of Birmingham IncPα plasmids. Compilation and comparative analysis. Journal of Molecular Biology 239: 623-663.
Badan Pusat Statistik. (2002). Daily per capita consumption of protein, Indonesia, 2002. http://www.bps.go.id/sector/consumpexp/table1.shtml.[23 April 2007].