Karakteristik Biodegradable Foam Berbasis Pati Singkong Dengan Variasi Penambahan Tepung Ampas Tebu dan Polyvinyl Alcohol


  • Andrew Setiawan Rusdianto Universitas Jember
  • Winda Amilia Universitas Jember
  • Miftahul Choiron Universitas Jember
  • Andi Eko Wiyono Universitas Jember
  • Ucik Nurul Hidayati Universitas Jember




bagasse, baking process, biodegradable foam, styrofoam, polyvinyl alcohol


Biodegradable foam is a type of environmentally friendly packaging made from biopolymers in the form of starch that can be degraded naturally. This study aims to determine the characteristics of biodegradable foam and its prototype made from cassava starch as a biopolymer substitute for synthetic polymers by adding variations of bagasse flour to compact the structure and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) which functions to reduce water absorption. The stages of making biodegradable foam are started by making bagasse flour, making biodegradable foam sheets using the baking process, and making a prototype bowl of biodegradable foam. The making of this biodegradable foam consists of 6 formulas by adding variations of bagasse flour (5%, 10%, 15%) and PVA (20%, 40%) from 36 grams of starch mass. The tests carried out were in the form of water absorption, biodegradation, thickness, tensile strength, and density tests. The best treatment was found in the A3B1 formula which was used as the basis for making a prototype bowl of biodegradable foam. The addition of variations of bagasse flour and PVA had a significant effect on the characteristics of water absorption and biodegradation, while the other characteristics were only PVA which had a significant effect. The results of the best treatment as the basis for making a prototype bowl of biodegradable foam with water absorption characteristics of 25.93% and biodegradation of 45.95%.

Author Biographies

Winda Amilia, Universitas Jember

Agroindustrial Technology

Miftahul Choiron, Universitas Jember

Agroindustrial Technology

Andi Eko Wiyono, Universitas Jember

Agroindustrial Technology

Ucik Nurul Hidayati, Universitas Jember

Agroindustrial Technology


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How to Cite

Rusdianto, A. S., Amilia, W., Choiron, M., Wiyono, A. E., & Hidayati, U. N. . (2022). Karakteristik Biodegradable Foam Berbasis Pati Singkong Dengan Variasi Penambahan Tepung Ampas Tebu dan Polyvinyl Alcohol. JOFE : Journal of Food Engineering, 1(3), 140–150. https://doi.org/10.25047/jofe.v1i3.3330




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